Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain blusters for Palin: "Alaska is close to Russia."

First, we heard it on Fox News. Then, it came from Cindy McCain. (Oh, how we laughed.)

But now McCain himself is telling us that Sarah Palin is ready to be Commander in Chief because Alaska is next door to Russia. I would have thought that the derision which occurred the first few times they tried to float this turd would have caused them to rethink, but no. McCain is still punting it.

Proximity to Russia equals experience in foreign policy.

Oh, and she has been vetted; she's been vetted by the people of Alaska!

The comparisons he then sets out to make between her, Barack Obama and Joe Biden are simply laughable. There is no other word for where McCain now finds himself. His arguments are laughable.

When asked how he feels about her dealing with Russia, Pakistan, and the war on terror: he talks of her knowledge of energy which he implies relates to those issues. I said yesterday that I noted that the only thing she spoke about was drilling, today McCain asks us to see that as reason as to why she could be Commander in Chief. I'm sorry. Laughable.

He then goes on to state that the US doesn't want someone who has "gone to Harvard or to an Ivy League school".

Leaving aside the idiocy of asking that the finest minds should be excluded from ever leading the United States, isn't McCain ignoring the fact that he has backed the presidency of George W. Bush, a man who was educated at "an Ivy League school"?

This choice has to have been forced upon him. Because, if she was his choice, he wouldn't be spouting this amount of shit onto public airwaves. He would have some sound reasoning that made sense. This crap doesn't. It really doesn't.


Anonymous said...

See this hilarious blog about this subject:

Kel said...

That's funny. Thanks for that!