Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ramon: Israel's government holding talks with Hamas

It's late here, and I'm just in after a very long meeting, but I had to note this before I went to bed:

Vice Premier Haim Ramon on Monday acknowledged that Israel was holding talks with Hamas.
What are Bush and McCain going to do with these "appeasers"? There's nothing being reported now but I suspect by the time I wake there will be some ringing condemnations from both these honourable men about this disgraceful Chamberlain-like-act of "appeasement".

I mean there's no way that Bush and McCain were simply trying to score a cheap political point, even though the US has negotiated with Iran and Gates wants further meetings with them.

I am quite sure by the time I wake that Israel will have felt the verbal lashings of both these honourable men's tongues.

'Cos otherwise they would just be hypocrites and political opportunists.... And we know they're not that! I mean they might be many things but they are not cheap, they have consistency.... don't they?

Click title for full article.

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