Kyra Phillips: Iraqi Soldiers Want a Democrat to Win
Kyra Phillips has spoken to Iraqi troops who say they are fighting "a Republican war" and want a Democrat to win the US election.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." - John Kenneth Galbraith.
Kyra Phillips has spoken to Iraqi troops who say they are fighting "a Republican war" and want a Democrat to win the US election.
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7:34 AM
Labels: Iraq war, US Election 2008
That is why the greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another.
The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.
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"Those who would sacrifice a little liberty for a perceived increase in security, deserve neither - and will eventually lose both." Benjamin Franklin.
Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left Ring Owner: Thomas Knapp Site: Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left |
And so does Hamas, so what's your point?
So does the entire world... That's the point.
The Republican party - which you will vote for as an Independent - has made your nation more loathed throughout the planet than at any other time since possibly the height of the Vietnam war.
"In increasing numbers, people around the globe resent American power and wealth and reject specific actions like the occupation of Iraq and the campaign against democratically elected Palestinian leaders, in-depth international polling shows.
Analysts say America's image problem is pervasive, deep and perhaps permanent, an inevitable outcome of being the world's only superpower.
But there is worse news. In the past, while Europeans, Asians and Arabs might have disliked American policies or specific U.S. leaders, they liked and admired Americans themselves.
Polls now show an ominous turn. Majorities around the world think Americans are greedy, violent and rude, and fewer than half in countries like Poland, Spain, Canada, China and Russia think Americans are honest.
"We found a rising antipathy toward Americans," said Bruce Stokes of the Pew Global Attitudes Project, which interviewed 93,000 people in 50 countries over a four-year span."
You quote Hamas, in a crude attempt to insinuate that extremists want the Republicans defeated, but the evidence from around the globe suggests the opposite: the world believes the Republicans are the extremists.
That's people like you, Jason. You support the policies which the world loathes. Congratulations, you are one of the reasons why the US is now hated.
And we all want the Democrats to take charge. You lot are simply too insane.
Who you non-US citizens want is immaterial. You want to have a say? Emmigrate. Otherwise, nobody here cares.
nobody here cares.
Once again you have the arrogance to speak for an entire nation when every opinion poll I can find shows that your beliefs are in the minority in the US.
You are not America, Jason. And just because you don't care doesn't mean no-one else does. You are a stupid supporter of the Republican party, and you support policies - including tax cuts and the war in Iraq - which all polls say most of your country objects to.
Really? Not that opinion polls mean much anyway, but what recent opinion poll tells you that people here give a flying fuck what any of you have to say regarding who we pick for president?
I can here the frantic googling now as you desperately seek out anything that supports your twisted views of a far away place you really know nothing about. Here's a newsflash for you, I don't need to go trolling the Internet to get a sense of what many of my fellow citizens feel on a topic, I can just ask them.
As I said, you want to have a say in our election? Then emigrate. Otherwise it's all just noise.
Really? Not that opinion polls mean much anyway, but what recent opinion poll tells you that people here give a flying fuck what any of you have to say regarding who we pick for president?
I never claimed any poll did say that. Nice try though. What I did say was that most of the opinions you espouse are not widely held in the United States, especially on the Iraq war and your constant defending of the Bush administration led by a man who more than 70% of Americans think is doing a terrible job. So you're not the person to tell me what Americans think, as most of your opinions are WAY, WAY out from the rest of the populace. But don't worry Jason, the first time I need a Republican asshole - who is too dishonest to even admit his leanings - to tell me what the rest of the US thinks about something, you'll be the first person I email.
Oh, and Obama says the message he wants to send the world is that America is back. It appears to be quite a popular message, what do you think he means when he says that? Does he mean that he and his supporters don't care about what the rest of the world thinks? Or, like myself, do you take the opposite reading from that statement?
So you're not the person to tell me what Americans think, as most of your opinions are WAY, WAY out from the rest of the populace.
Your blog is so narrowly focused you have no idea where I fit into the spectrum. And you, fucking communist loon being so far out in space and extremist like you are, everyone is "WAY, WAY" off when compared to you.
Seriously dude. You trawl the Internet mostly on sites written by other equally unbalanced nutcases in order to get what passes for information in your mind, then you regurgitate what you read somewhere else as if it's some kind of earth shattering revelation. You spend hours a day filling the Internet with more crazy talk hate speak, and you do this seven days a week, almost 365 days a year. Meanwhile you dismiss anyone who doesn't buy into your psychosis induced fantasies and reach into your shallow bag of hyperboles and insults to fling a few their way. And you have the nerve to call anybody else a nutcase? Puh-leeze.
But don't worry Jason, the first time I need a Republican asshole - who is too dishonest to even admit his leanings
I'm sorry you're too uneducated and stupid to understand our system of government. Can't say I didn't try.
You trawl the Internet mostly on sites written by other equally unbalanced nutcases in order to get what passes for information in your mind, then you regurgitate what you read somewhere else as if it's some kind of earth shattering revelation.
There's only one thing sadder than me doing that, and that's you coming along every day to read what I write. If I'm that deluded, at least it's only my own time I'm wasting, what's your excuse?
I'm sorry you're too uneducated and stupid to understand our system of government. Can't say I didn't try.
From The American Heritage Dictionary:
Republican: Of, relating to, characteristic of, or belonging to the Republican Party of the United States.
You see, you don't have to belong to the Republican party to be Republican, Jason. You certainly relate to and are characteristic of that mindset, which is why I call you a Republican. Sorry if you are too stupid to follow simple English.
Now bugger off, I have to get on filling the Internet with more crazy talk. When will it ever be full?!?!
Sorry if you are too stupid to follow simple English.
Wow, and to think all this time I'v ebeen wasting my time not registering. I should have voted in their primaries. Thanks for reading something on the Internet and explaining my political system to me! I wasted all that time in school and what aI learned through participation, when all I needed was some knucklehead clueless Brit to tell me what was really going on.
I have to get on filling the Internet with more crazy talk
You forgot "hate speak".
There's only one thing sadder than me doing that, and that's you coming along every day to read what I write. If I'm that deluded, at least it's only my own time I'm wasting, what's your excuse?
But I don't come on here every day, as your whining about me not replying for long periods of time will attest. As for subjecting myself to your babble and indulging myself in the occasional response, you are right, that's sad.
I think I keep thinking that through logic and reason I can let some deluded soul see the light. But like Bush said about negotiating with terrorists and radicals, it's not likely that such arguments exist.
Jason, You have a Republican mindset. That's simply a fact. As the dictionary attests.
And I know you like to come along here and engage in debates, but when you describe what I do here in the terms that you did above, it is (a) dishonest and (b) makes you look a fool for ever engaging with someone who is that insane.
You obviously disagree with me politically, and that's fine. But don't come along here and simply throw insults like you have done above.
But don't come along here and simply throw insults like you have done above.
I have the unfortunate tendency to drag my level of discurse down to that of the person I'm debating. All you do is throw insults at people who disagree with you, including myself. I find that typical of the left. You seem to lack the ability to debate facts and issues, and instead feel that you must move the debate towards the person you are debating. That's just sad. I would be surprised to find any of your responses to me that have not at some point turned toward some kind of attack or characterization of me personally, instead of the merits of what's being debated. Of course, I've been guilty of responding in kind, and I shouldn't because I know better.
Here's a simple test that works... Whenever writing any sentence that contains "you", the chances are you're making a personal attack. Refrain from using "you" (or any other specific reference to the person you are debating) and typically discourse is more civil. Of course one should also always be cognizant of logical fallacies in their debating.
Go back up the thread, Jason. I say that you are not America and that you are a stupid Republican supporting policies which your country appears not to share your enthusiasm for. I'd hardly call that a nasty attack.
You replied that I, "trawl the Internet mostly on sites written by other equally unbalanced nutcases in order to get what passes for information in your mind, then you regurgitate what you read somewhere else as if it's some kind of earth shattering revelation."
So, you did not join me in my level of discourse, the person who lowered the discourse was yourself.
And you did so by lying. Your usual accusation is that I always source The Guardian and The Independent, but for this attack you choose to present me as someone who mostly sources "sites written by other equally unbalanced nutcases."
That's simply a lie, as you well know.
Go back up the thread, Jason. I say that you are not America and that you are a stupid Republican supporting policies which your country appears not to share your enthusiasm for. I'd hardly call that a nasty attack.
Are you kidding me? Calling someone "stupid" isn't an insult and an attack? I've got news for you, it is. And when one throws out insults, they are likely to get them in return.
That's simply a lie, as you well know.
No, I never claimed who you cite, although you do frequently cite the types of sites that I reference, such as Crooks and Liars. That you spend a decent amount of your time on these types of sites is clear. That you seem to be talking about the same thing at the same time as every other of these blogs is also clear. And what makes you think I don't view many of those who write for the Independent and the Guardian as die hard leftists? My statement stands.
Are you kidding me? Calling someone "stupid" isn't an insult and an attack?
Are you for real? On another thread you are arguing that the word c--- is no big deal and now you act as if the word "stupid" is a verbal nuclear bomb. Get outta here.
And the notion that an award winning site like Crooks and Liars and two award winning newspapers like The Guardian and The Independent are the equivalent of "sites written by other equally unbalanced nutcases" simply shows you to be the unbalanced nutcase here.
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