Monday, April 28, 2008

Marsh: It's Democratic "spinelessness" which makes them stick to rules.

I've spoken often about the insanity of Hillary's supporters, and to be sure I think Taylor Marsh is the most hysterical of all of them, but this quote simply left me gob smacked:

Meanwhile, as everyone worries about the African American vote, how about someone paying attention to the droves of women and Clinton voters who will side with McCain if Obama's the nominee? Hello? Anybody?

Now, all of this political maneuvering and making his blogger base look like children doesn't mean Senator Obama won't be the nominee, given the math and the general spinelessness of Democrats to prefer rules over winning.
She's saying that "women and Hillary voters" won't vote for the Democratic nominee if that nominee is Barack Obama and that the Democrats are "spineless" for sticking to the rules rather than changing them to make Hillary the winner of a race which she has lost.

One wonders why the Democrats even had an election at all. If Hillary is the answer, why did they even bother asking people the question of who they would like to be the Democratic presidential nominee? Because, according to Taylor Marsh, it's "spinelessness" to stick with the candidate that the people have chosen.

I've really seen it all during this election, but to hear a Democrat argue that it is "spinelessness" which would force the Democrats to accept a democratic decision really is one of the finest examples of the insanity which has affected Hillary's supporters.

Click title for full article.


daveawayfromhome said...

Perhaps attitudes like this explain why the Democrats have yet to impeach Bush and Co.: they're the same.

Kel said...

Their spinelessness regarding impeachment is simply unquestionable.

Kel said...

Taylor Marsh has simply lost her head the longer this has all gone on. She is failing to make any sense at all now.