Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Difference Between American and European Journalism

I'm always stunned by the way American political journalists genuflect in front of politicians. Here Tucker Carlson explains why. They are worried they'll lose access.

Gerri Peev's reaction is a perfect boot into Carlson's balls:

Are you really that acquiescent in the United States? In the United Kingdom, journalists believe that on or off the record is a principle that's decided ahead of the interview.

He tries to recover but the punch has already landed. When he berates her for possibly ruining access for other journalists trying to get to "the truth", she hits him with this:
If this is the first time that candid remarks have been published about what one campaign team thinks of the other candidate, then I would argue that your journalists aren't doing a very good job of getting to the truth.
And it's a knockout. American political journalists laid down and died prior to the Iraq war. Tucker just showed us why. "If we annoy them the might not talk to us", he whined...

I wonder how any American politician would fare facing Paxman.

1 comment:

Kel said...

He really is an astonishing arsehole isn't he?