Saturday, March 08, 2008

Clinton again raises running with Obama

Clinton has again hinted that she and Obama might be running mates:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday again raised the possibility that she might run with rival Sen. Barack Obama on the same Democratic presidential ticket.

Speaking to voters in Mississippi, where Sen. Barack Obama is expected to do well in next week's primary, Clinton said, "I've had people say, 'Well I wish I could vote for both of you. Well, that might be possible some day. But first I need your vote on Tuesday."

It is the second time this week that she has hinted at a joint ticket with the Illinois senator; he has not ruled it out but says it is premature to be having those discussions.
Is it just me or is that a very odd thing to propose? After all, she has pointed out that all he can bring to the table is a speech he made in 2002, why should she want someone like that as her VP?

I mean this is a man who she can't even trust when he says he's not a Muslim. Why else would she say, "as far as I know" whilst saying that she believes him?

And why would she want to align herself with a man who offers only empty rhetoric and change you can Xerox?

And worse, why would she want to associate with someone whose empty words are actually nothing more than plagiarism?

And why would her campaign need the help of a chicken that was too scared to debate her?

Indeed, a man whose tactics are so underhand that they remind your aides of Ken Starr?

The problem for Hillary is it's very hard to forget the invective and bile she has poured towards Obama. I hope he wins the nomination and tells her to bugger off.

Click title for full article.

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