Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bush Differs With Karzai on Iran

Hamid Karzai has thrown the cat amongst the pigeons during his latest visit to the US by announcing that Afghanistan regards Iran as "a helper" in his country.

Bush, whilst reluctantly admitting that, “The president knows best about what’s taking place in his country, and of course, I’m willing to listen,” nevertheless went on to state, “But from my perspective, the burden of proof is on the Iranian government to show us that they’re a positive force.”

So let's get this straight. The US has invaded two country's - Afghanistan and Iraq - and both of those supposedly "liberated" country's are accepting help from Iran, a country that Bush has labelled as part of the Axis of Evil, despite Iran helping in the "liberation" of Afghanistan.

Getting those pesky client regimes to obey the orders of Washington used to be a lot simpler than it seems to be under the Bush administration. One could almost be forgiven for thinking that they had lost control of the situation...

Certainly neither of the "liberated" country's is singing from a US script.

Click title for full article.

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