Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The lies of Condi Rice

Bhc, has a great post (covering work also done at Martini Republic) which details the sheer size of the lies currently being spouted by Condi Rice. As he rightly says, it's so untrue it's probably actionable.

Here's a taster:

Within days after taking office, National Counterterrrorism Director Richard Clarke left a memorandum for then National Security Advisor Rice summarizing the responses to al Qaeda which had been formulated to respond the threat of al Qaeda and the Cole attack, which had been linked to the terrorist group in late 2000.

More importantly, attached to Clarke’s Memorandum was the very thing Rice now denies she was given: a 13 page document entitled, Strategy for Eliminating Jihadist Networks of al Qida.
Click title for full article.

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