Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Is Bush an Idiot?

Is the President of the United States, George W. Bush, an idiot? Scarborough Country asks the forbidden question. They look at his inability to speak correctly, not at his inability to lead correctly, however. Of course the real question is, is the Republican Party full of idiots because they nominated the sucker, and continue to blindly follow his crap? Is the US full of idiots, because they elected the sucker and have not begun demanding better until recently?

1 comment:

AF said...

If there was one word to describe that- "Tragicomic".

I don't know about you but there were points I began to feel sorry for him as a person, I had to slap myself out of it.

I used to be inarticulate, and I've always believed he is inarticulate, but lately I've come to view him as very shrewd also. Sure he makes lots of blunders, ridiculous blunders, but he excels in body language and expressing his body language as a dominant leader.

I really believe he knows what he's doing, and that's the tragic part because he has brought and allowed so much injustice into the world since taking office.

It's one of those cases where he'd probably be a great guy to meet in a bar- friendly/funny, but not someone you would choose to run your country.