Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cheney booed loudly, throws out first pitch

I'm sorry but it's just not bloody clever. I thought the Bush regime had learned their lesson well.

When you're tanking in the polls you only appear in front of soldiers who are ordered to clap you, or in front of audiences of slabbering right wing (preferably Christian anti-abortion) loons and hope that your buddies at Fox News won't focus too close so you can portray them as "ordinary Americans".

Now Bush is polling at about 36%, which is the kind of popularity enjoyed by certain serial killers. After all celebrity itself is attractive to the sad souls who write (and sometimes marry) guys sitting on death row.

But Bush knows the gig.

He's only made one slip up, when he found himself in front of Harry Taylor who asked the kind of question that Bush normally sends people into Free Speech Zones to ensure that he never has to answer. In this case, the audience were small and partisan enough to boo the questioner and allow Bush to look magnanimous when he quieted them and gave one of his stock, "I will not apologise", remarks that seems to send Repugs to the very verge of orgasm.

Oh, how the inbred clapped to see one of their own talk a language that they understood. "We're right, you're wrong - and if you disagree you're unpatriotic."

But even in the midst of an interloper, Bush had made sure that the audience was stacked in his favour.

So I have to ask, what the f*ck was Cheney thinking of?

He stands at around 18% in the polls. Imagine those stats applied to your own life. 82% of people who meet you think you're a jerk. Would you leave the house? Remember, you're the second most powerful man in the world, you can control your environment; so why would you willingly step out and throw the ceremonial first pitch at the Washington Nationals’ home opener?

How f*cking out of touch are you?

And yet... That is what he did.

Clive James, famously, once observed a skier at the Winter Olympics lose a ski mid-air and have to decide whether to land on the foot with the ski, or the foot without. The skier chose the foot without. James remarked, "It was a bad choice."

Cheney has made a similar "bad choice".

Read about it here.

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