Monday, April 10, 2006

What is Happening to America under Bush?

Why do Americans acccept it? Why do these brave people who crossed an ocean to live a better, freer life accept the imposition of Free Speech Zones? What the Hell is that?

Surely, by acccepting that protesters can only protest in certain allocated places implies that the rest of the country is no longer a free speech zone?

Am I missing something here? If you tried to pull that off in Britian there would be riots.

Post 9-11 Ashcroft stated, “To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and give ammunition to America’s enemies.”

I'm sorry, but that's not a phantom of lost liberty, this is an actual liberty lost.

Surely as the people who elected Bush as your representative you have the right to let him know when you are displeased through non-violent protest. What's the point of protesting if the person you want to protest against has no chance at all of seeing you?

Every time I think my opinion of this man can sink no lower I come across something else. I knew that he rarely meets any real people and prefers to speak before military audiences ordered to clap him; I knew that when he came to the UK they had to helicopter him everywhere because they feared public rioting, but I never imagined that in the USA people who opposed him had to enter cages miles from where The Great One was speaking.

It's beyond an outrage. It's jawdropping in it's audacity and it's lack of respect for opposing opinion.

This from the man who says he's exporting democracy? I see irony is lost on him.

The tales I've found on the net are unbelievable. This man tells of how citizens line the road in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to wave flags as Bush's motorcade passes by, I, on the other hand, an old ex-Infantry veteran from long ago, was forced to stand 100 feet from Dalrymple Drive, in the direct Louisiana summer sun, hidden behind some of the beautiful giant oak trees growing alongside Dalrymple Drive at Highland Road, even though I had planned, with several other groups, to protest along the curbside on Dalrymple Drive.

But because I was not “pro-Bush”, and because I carried a sign, I wasn`t allowed to do what I planned. A sign of protest? How devious! How DANGEROUS!

I was pleased to come across this story of how students gathered to oppose the University of Nevada, Reno's policy that limits where groups can hold demonstrations on the campus.

Fourteen students covered their mouths with duct tape and gathered at the lawn across from the Jot Travis Student Union. A member of the American Civil Liberties Union attending the protest said the entire campus should be a free speech zone.

Thank God for the students. When will the rest of the US fight back?


Jack Steiner said...

You make this sound like it is happening en masse across the US when it so clearly is not the case.

A bit like chicken little.

Kel said...

It's a disgrace that it's happening anywhere in your country. And it doesn't have to happen everywhere, just wherever Bush happens to be on any particular day.