Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fox News Audience Just 1.38% Black.

Why do I not find this remotely surprising?

The New York Times’ Brian Stelter tweeted that, according to Nielsen Media Research, Fox News has averaged just 29,000 black viewers in primetime so far this television season (9/09-7/10). That represents just 1.38% of its 2.102 million total viewer audience.

CNN and MSNBC, meanwhile, both have far more black viewers, both in absolute terms and as a proportion of their overall audiences.

The race baiting that goes on over at that channel is simply disgraceful. For months we have heard Megyn Kelly harp on about the New Black Panthers and imply that Holder won't prosecute black people where whites are the victims.

They have been claiming that this reverse racism is going on for months now. It can be no surprise to anyone that the black proportion of their audience is tiny. They recognise racist crap when they see it.

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