Friday, March 23, 2007

Richard Engel’s War Diary

The title says it all. One reporters's diary from his time in Iraq. What the Hell has Bush done to these people? They say he's a Christian. If there is a God, there's a place in Hell with his name on it.


AF said...

Wow, so that's democracy then? That's free Iraq.

We must be living in a government system of Utopia compared to that archaic system of government called Democracy, where so many people seemed to be in fear of their lives.

Kel said...


It's simply astonishing that right wingers have been telling us that we only hear the bad news stories and never the good. And we have to witness idiots like Michelle Malkin flying over there and telling us how marvellous it all is.

And then we hear from Iraqis... and it's even worse than I had imagined.

I really mean it when I say that Bush and Blair should stand trial for what they have done. It has been a deeply criminal act.

theBhc said...

Simply stunning.