Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Case for Rebuilding New Orleans

Nothing seems to change in the Post Katrina landscape of New Orleans. Citizens are angry. Politicians don't understand why progress is so slow. No one seems to care that the main reason to rebuild New Orleans is because people live there (or used to), and they are American citizens who just want to return to their home.


Ingrid said...

Kel, I have to say that I do not believe that New Orleans needs to be 'rebuild'. If you live in a potentially deadly place (as they experienced), with millions and millions of dollars in damages etc.. than you need to rebuild on much more sound land. I guess having emigrated several times and having lived in different countries I am not as 'attached' to one's place of birth but NO has been lucky for waay too long. The smart thing to do is to relocate. The US is a big country and you know, where there's a will there's a way. They could rebuild NO in a way so that people would not live there but the main touristy thing (the french quarter that ended up being spared this time) could still stay for historic significance sake and cross your fingers and hope for the best.
I don't know, that's just my sentiments..

Kel said...


In London we have the Thames barrier that is contructed because much of London could end up underwater.

In New Orleans they had the levies that failed simply due to lack of investment.

As you say, all things are possible.

I personally would regard it as a great loss if America was to let one of her most historic and best loved cities literally wash away.

And I know I'm relying on sentiment rather than hard assed logic, but what's wrong with sentiment? :-)