Wednesday, July 28, 2010

File Under B: Barrel, Scraping Bottom Of.

This has got to be the dumbest attempt yet to defame Shirley Sherrod.

It isn't true.

Shirley Sherrod's story in her now famous speech about the lynching of a relative is not true.
Now, he knows this is not true because he has read the Screws vs. the U.S. Government case. And, reading carefully, he found this:
The arrest was made late at night at Hall's home on a warrant charging Hall with theft of a tire. Hall, a young negro about thirty years of age, was handcuffed and taken by car to the courthouse. As Hall alighted from the car at the courthouse square, the three petitioners began beating him with their fists and with a solid-bar blackjack about eight inches long and weighing two pounds. They claimed Hall had reached for a gun and had used insulting language as he alighted from the car. But after Hall, still handcuffed, had been knocked to the ground, they continued to beat him from fifteen to thirty minutes until he was unconscious. Hall was then dragged feet first through the courthouse yard into the jail and thrown upon the floor, dying.
So, Sherrod is a liar to say that he was lynched as he was merely beaten to death, not lynched.

The Breitbart defenders are really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.

Click here for full article.

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