Keith Olbermann Debunks Obama's Kenya Birth Certificate.
If these morons are going to go to all the bother of producing forgeries, they should at least produce good ones.
I mean, one would think that they would at least work out when Kenya was a republic and when it was a dominion. Or is that too much to ask?
1. It's dated Feb 14, 1964, and refers to Kenya as a republic -- a designation not made official until December 1964.Not that this will deter the birthers in any way. Facts and logic are things they have long ago dispensed with.
2. It's number 44 O 47 is a bit coincidental. Obama, who is 47, is the 44 president of the Unites States.
3. The name EF Lavender is also a bit funny sounding. Earth Friendly Lavender is the name of a detergent
4. Mombasa did not become part of Kenya until 1963; it used to be part of Zanzibar
5. The Coast General Hospital is actually called the Coast Provincial General Hospital
They've even managed to find the original birth certificate which served as a template for this most recent forgery. And it's blatant that they didn't even go to the bother to change that much in their faked version.

Click on photo to enlarge. Isn't the internets useful?
Eugene Robinson sums it up perfectly:
If there’s been a more clinically insane political phenomenon in my lifetime than the “birthers,” I’ve missed it. Is this what our national discourse has come to? Sheer paranoid fantasy?Since when did the truth matter to the nutbags? They think Bill Clinton was a murderer for God's sake? And they'll continue to insist that there are "remaining questions" here because they can't accept the fact that the black guy won the election.
I’m talking about the people who have convinced themselves that Barack Obama was not really born in the United States, and thus is ineligible to be president. Even some commentators who usually are among Obama’s most rabid critics have acknowledged that this idea is simply nuts. Yet it persists, out there on the farthest fringes of the right-wing blogosphere. Oh, and also on CNN, which is usually a little closer to reality.
It has been definitively shown that there is not a scintilla of truth, or even the slightest ambiguity, in the whole “birther” idea.
What happens to Judge Sotomayor's confirmation as Supreme Court Justice if the Constitution's "natural born citizen" Presidential eligibility requirement is subsequently determined applicable to Barack Obama on the basis of Article 2's exclusion of dual citizenship birth (doesn't matter whether Obama born in Hawaii since his dad was British citizen at the time)? It would seem prudent, if not dereliction of Constitutional duty in not so doing, for the United States Senate to defer voting on Judge Sotomayor's confirmation at the very least until there is determination, now imminent, on standing in Kerchner v. Congress (USDC NJ) on that precise issue (Congressional failure to take up the raised and known constitutional ineligibility question prior to declaring a Presidential winner in the vote of the electoral college). For the full Senate now to proceed to vote to confirm Judge Sotomayor (an otherwise lifetime appointment) before then, would be a knowing and very substantial exacerbation of any inherent Constitutional crisis -- compounding the previous Congressional dereliction. That is, the Executive Branch, as well as conceivably all actions of a Congress under a President determined ineligible, would leave the Supreme Court as an essential unfettered remaining Branch of the Federal Government, that is unfettered so long as Mr. Obama's nominee is not yet confirmed by the Senate.
Will not one Senator, let alone Republican Senator, raise this issue on the Senate floor? The nation is watching.
There is no "inherent Constitutional crisis". Obama is an American. Some day you are simply going to have to accept that. Or not. Continue banging on with these insane theories if you like, but the Republican movement are beginning to look seriously unhinged.
Old Russian saying...You can tell same lie 1000 time but not change truth!
Difference between USSR Communist media and USA "mainstream media"
In Russia government make media say what they want - even if lie.
In USA "mainstream media" try make government what they want - even if lie..
.....eventually they become same thing?!
I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at
Somehow info on this is similar to the recent Obama birth certificate from Kenya
These birfers are crazy.
1. It's dated Feb 14, 1964, and refers to Kenya as a republic -- a designation not made official until December 1964.
Thats crazy.... Ignore the fact that Mombasa was in the Coastal province until October 1963, and immediately started 'Republic of Keyna' on their documents 6 months before this was produced and over a year before the 'offical' name change.... Crazy
2. It's number 44 O 47 is a bit coincidental. Obama, who is 47, is the 44 president of the Unites States.
His zip code in Chicago in 060606 - does that make him the Antichrist as well?
3. The name EF Lavender is also a bit funny sounding. Earth Friendly Lavender is the name of a detergent
They are crazy....
No ONE who has EVER lived has had the last name Lavender.
4. Mombasa did not become part of Kenya until 1963; it used to be part of Zanzibar
Leased to Kenya and reliquished in October 1963 (see point one)
5. The Coast General Hospital is actually called the Coast Provincial General Hospital
They renamed the hospital in October 1963 as part of the Zanzibar relinquishment.
Fruit cakes!!!
AND to top it alll off
"They've even managed to find the original birth certificate which served as a template for this most recent forgery. And it's blatant that they didn't even go to the bother to change that much in their faked version."
Wow - they are smart debunkers, exposing the loony birfers.
The Australian copy was published 5 hours after the Kenyan one. And then claim the AU one was the template for the Kenyan one.
They are so smart that the AU one is on A4 paper, which was not available until 1974....
I take it from your sarcastic tone that you are still under the delusion that the Kenyan document might be genuine.
Let's see which of us is proved correct.
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