Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pat Buchanan: Sonia Sotomayor Is A "Militant Liberal".

Pat Buchanan is beginning to sound like Bill O'Reilly by simply using phrases which are meant to signal to the audience that the person he is discussing is outwith the political norm.

O'Reilly never mentions the left without labeling it "the extreme left". This means he doesn't have to form any argument against the one being proffered by the other side, he simply relies on the fact that his audience will accept that his labeling means nothing they have to say is of any significance.

Buchanan slips into that mindset here, by labelling Sotomayer a "militant".

Buchanan: This is about Obama. The objective is to paint her as she really is, truthfully. It's just what I said, a "Militant-Liberal-Latina who...

Matthews: Militant?

Buchanan: Sure she...

Robinson: What's that, what's that word Militant? What is militant?

Matthews: What does it mean? I didn't see that anywhere in the record.
Unfortunately for Buchanan, Matthews and Robinson are all over him for using the phrase. Buchanan can have lots of legitimate reasons as to why he opposes Sotomayer and he makes more sense when he makes those arguments. But, in this instance, he makes a stupid mistake to label this woman - who we can all see is walking on eggshells at the moment - a "militant".

Republicans really need to stop this propensity which they have for simple name calling. It's childish and stupid.


Anonymous said...

he makes a stupid mistake to label this woman - who we can all see is walking on eggshells at the moment - a "militant".

"at the moment" being the operative words. you have to look at the "militant" groups (in the figurative and not so figurative sense) she has associated herself with, aided and/or led in the past including: PRLDEF, now Latino Justice which worked with Acorn while she was on the board, La Raza (which funds MEChA (militant), that is what pat is talking about.

Kel said...

I don't regard Latino Justice or La Raza to be militant organisations.

Pat is on the side of whites and doesn't attempt to even hide his prejudice anymore.