Thursday, April 02, 2009

Colbert On Beck.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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Colbert takes Glenn Beck to task. Well, he's simply begging for it.

The election of Obama really has driven the American right wing utterly insane. Suddenly, they are all "fearing" for their country as socialism takes hold. And the size of the task - of holding back the socialist hordes - is so gargantuan that it often reduces poor Glenn to tears.

What's really scary is that Beck, as much as Limbaugh, is now becoming the official face of American republicanism.


nunya said...

"What's really scary is that Beck, as much as Limbaugh, is now becoming the official face of American republicanism."

No. Not everyone understands that those paid whores you refer to are nothing like your average middle class Republican. Unfortunately the average middle class Republican who occasionaly tunes in is seriously misinformed by said whores.

Kel said...

No. Not everyone understands that those paid whores you refer to are nothing like your average middle class Republican.

Well, they are certainly the public face of the Republican party and, if I think of Sarah Palin's rallies towards the end of the election, it did appear to me as if it was only the true believing nutters who were left supporting this party.