Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Williams: Iraqis Are "Ingrates" For Not Appreciating Invasion And Occupation.

Any "liberal" who appears regularly on Fox News has to at all times prove their patriotism, so Juan Williams had to show his outrage over the fact that someone dared to throw a shoe at Bush, going as far as to say that - were he there - he would have personally punched the guy.

He then widens his argument to include most Iraqis:

WILLIAMS: But on a serious level, how many American lives have been sacrificed to the cause of liberating Iraq? How much money has been spent while they’re not spending their own profits from their oil? American money. So I just think it’s absolutely the act of an ingrate for them to behave in this way. Just unbelievable to me.
"The act of an ingrate"? Williams is actually stating that the Iraqis should be grateful for what has been done to them. It never fails to amaze me that some Americans still, to this day, can't understand why the Iraqis are not grateful for what they have done.

But I love his argument that, "he's our president, so don't do that; we wouldn't do that to your president, don't do that to ours."

I wonder which visiting head of state to the US is currently occupying that country, having illegally invaded it, and has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of US civilians? Oh that's right, none. Which makes Williams' analogy a rather odd one.

Had Russia invaded and occupied the US wouldn't these same people regard shoe throwing as an act of deep patriotism?

Hat tip to Think Progress.


daveawayfromhome said...

Juan Williams may have once been a liberal, but I think his card has been since pulled, mostly due to stuff like this.

Kel said...

I actually believed him the few times I have come across him, but this was an indication that my initial reading of him was seriously flawed.

Anonymous said...

He should have tried his shoe throwing towards Saddam Hussein when he was in charge. Now that would have been entertaining.

Anonymous said...

And while we're on the subject... So, let me get this straight, you manage to devote as of this post three separate posts regarding some islamist nutter tossing his shoes, yet you only manage to come up with one single vacuous post regarding the Mumbai terror incident, which is easily one of the most tragic and important stories of the year. That says something about your priorities, doesn't it? Of course, looking back over your posts it's clear where your sympathies lie anyway so I guess there should be no surprise that islamist murderers don't cause you any outrage.

Kel said...

So, let me get this straight, you manage to devote as of this post three separate posts regarding some islamist nutter tossing his shoes, yet you only manage to come up with one single vacuous post regarding the Mumbai terror incident, which is easily one of the most tragic and important stories of the year. That says something about your priorities, doesn't it?

Ah, so Jason is back posting anonymously is he? The give away is the fact you count how many articles are done on each subject and detect "bias" accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Yeah whatever. The lunatic fringe were noticeably silent on Mumbai so that was a gimme. Any political blogger who has more to say about shoe-tossing than that horrific event demonstrates his biases and sympathies clearly enough.

Kel said...

Yeah whatever.

Ha! Go away. You barred yourself, deeming this place unworthy of your time.

You trolled here for far too long, and it's been way too pleasant since you left, for me to start getting into stupid arguments with you again.

Unknown said...

Well well, Kel, you've been busy! That anonymous fella there is a handful, isn't he? I don't get why these folks continue to hang around and try to change anyone's mind with that kind of racist, non-curious, sadness-loving, peace-reviling filth. I mean, I don't see you (Kel) lurking on any of their Fox News-loving psycho-blogs waiting for the right moment to drop an incendiary. You speak your own mind to people who have a mind with which to perceive it. can a person do, right? Laugh at the buggers.

Kel said...

Will, I honestly don't know why he posts here. He's been quiet for months, having vowed never to waste his time here again, but perhaps the sight of a shoe heading towards Bush's head from those ungrateful Iraqis has finally sent him over the edge.

theBhc said...

Juan Williams is a pro-forma, faux liberal shithead, which is exactly why he appears on Fox News.

Kel said...

I have just worked that out Bhc!

theBhc said...

The worst is, that this guy is on "public radio" all the time, also posing as the reasoned liberal. Yeesh.

Kel said...

Speaking as someone who only sees him on You Tube I must admit that for a long time he had me fooled.