Friday, September 05, 2008

Toobin on McCain's speech: "Shockingly bad."

I'm glad someone else thinks the same as I did. Toobin says, "It was the worst speech by a nominee that I have heard since Jimmy Carter in 1980."

He found it disorganised and theme-less. "Shockingly bad".

I couldn't agree more. It says something when an political obessive like myself couldn't get to the end of it. But it's dreariness simply wore me out. Painful.


Anonymous said...

Obama's speech at the greek temple was shown on ten networks in the US and viewed by 38 million. Supporters crowed about the record-setting viewership.

Palin's speech was shown on six networks, later in the evening than Obama's speech, and viewed by 37 million people.

McCain's speech topped Obama's at 39 million viewers.

The most recent polls now show Obama and McCain tied or statistically tied, and the McCain bounce will factor into polls until next week.

It's no wonder why the Obama camp has suddenly become so nervous, just when they thought they cemented his coronation.

Kel said...

I don't know what polls you are referring to buddy but, as of yesterday, Gallup have Obama leading by +4 and Hotline by +6. CBS News reported a tied result but that looks like a rogue poll to me.

And I read that more people watched McCain than Obama which made me smile. Imagine all those millions watching that utterly shocking speech.

It was the worst I have ever heard. If you think that speech will result in a bounce, then your optimism knows no bounds.