Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why McCain's "Abdullah" Contributions Aren't Deemed Controversial

It really is astonishing to watch how the US election is played out according to preconceived notions of candidates "weaknesses". Weaknesses which the media have been handed from the head office of the GOP.

For instance, ponder this question from Obama's camp:

If there were a group of questionable donations all with the name Abdullah that were funneled through a guy in Jordan who is a Jordanian national who is under investigation for war profiteering and it were Barack Obama instead of John McCain would this be a bigger deal?
The truth is that, if this was about Obama it would be a f@cking huge deal, because the media have decided, because the GOP told them to, that Obama - he of the funny middle name - might be a Muslim terrorist supporter. John McCain on the other hand is a war hero, so his credentials on this matter simply can't be questioned.

Likewise, he is also a "foreign policy expert" according to the narrative, so his numerous embarrassing foreign policy gaffes can be safely overlooked as slips of the tongue, whereas if Obama made gaffes of this kind it would be used to highlight his inexperience.

And don't dare suggest that he might be this gaffe prone because of his age, or you are simply engaging in ageist nonsense.

The GOP have worked out the narrative for this election and it's a narrative that protects McCain from almost every charge.

Obama, on the other hand, has to get it right every single time.

It's disgraceful and I think that is why McCain has resorted to outright lying. He knows they won't call him on it.

Click title for full article.

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