Sunday, August 10, 2008

Too Fit for Office.

It really is simply too depressing to listen to the myriad of reasons the media in the US come up with to dismiss the chances of Obama becoming the next President, but the WSJ really have hit a new low by suggesting that he might be too fit for office.

It used to be argued that some people were unfit for office, but I must admit this is the first time in my life that I have ever heard the argument put the other way.

But this argument is not especially daft when compared with some of the others that the Republicans have been pushing.

  1. Obama shouldn't be president because he's too popular.
  2. Obama's also too presidential. He acts like he actually wants to be president.
  3. Oh, and to vote for him would be an act of insanity because Obama thinks he's better than you.
We also mustn't forget George Will, sitting in his bow tie, telling us that Barack Obama is far too well educated, which makes him "upper crust".

TerranceDC has compiled the entire ridiculous list of reasons given for why Obama can't be elected over at the Booman Tribune. It's well worth a read.

Click on the title to do so.


Todd Dugdale said...

Nice post.
The influence of the punditry is in decline. They stuck with the Administration on Iraq for too long and have let their biases be revealed. The "low-information voters" don't read the pundits, and the high-information voters are smart enough to know that they are being shilled.

It's disgraceful, to be sure, but ultimately ineffective. Like most Republicans are, the pundits are also looking backwards to 2002 and pretending 2006 never happened. They are crafting appeals to legions of imaginary voters and imaginary readers.

In an odd way, they are actually doing the Democrats a favour by puffing up the GOP to seem larger than they really are. It feeds into the arrogance of the Republicans that turns off so many.

Kel said...

I think you are right, Todd. The pundits are basically talking shit, which is an inevitable consequence of what they are being asked to sell.

A 72 year old man who doesn't appear to have a full grasp of his brief. So they are literally hitting out in all directions and making little coherence as they do so.