Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today's Campaign Contest: Count the Young White Women in McCain's Anti-Obama Video.

These ads are becoming truly inane. However, Jake Tapper has noticed something rather sinister about this latest childish offering:

One...two...three...four...sure are a lot of young white women in this thing....

Why do you think they put so many young white women professing their love for Obama in what is clearly an anti-Obama video? What would possibly be negative about young white women liking Sen. Obama?
Bob Herbert detected this same crap in the Britney/Paris ad and this does now seem to be a theme which the McCain camp are playing towards:

Now, from the hapless but increasingly venomous McCain campaign, comes the slimy Britney Spears and Paris Hilton ad. The two highly sexualized women (both notorious for displaying themselves to the paparazzi while not wearing underwear) are shown briefly and incongruously at the beginning of a commercial critical of Mr. Obama.

The Republican National Committee targeted Harold Ford with a similarly disgusting ad in 2006 when Mr. Ford, then a congressman, was running a strong race for a U.S. Senate seat in Tennessee. The ad, which the committee described as a parody, showed a scantily clad woman whispering, “Harold, call me.”

Both ads were foul, poisonous and emanated from the upper reaches of the Republican Party. (What a surprise.) Both were designed to exploit the hostility, anxiety and resentment of the many white Americans who are still freakishly hung up on the idea of black men rising above their station and becoming sexually involved with white women.

I used to be willing to give the McCain team the benefit of the doubt, but now I'm not so sure. This is the second time this theme has been hit and this time it's much more blatant. Now we have young women talking about his "soft eyes".

The McCain camp must be aware that some Republicans - notably David Gergen - have already detected the race card being played "below the radar" by McCain's team. So, either the McCain team are deliberately hitting this message, or they are simply morons. They are running an advertising campaign for God's sake. You would think that one of them would have noticed the discrepancy.

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