McCain: I'm not mentioning my POW status enough!
The McCain camp must be on smack. Even Maureen Dowd, for God's sake, is saying that they are overplaying the POW status of the candidate. And then they come out with this:
They will be prepared to show McCain's "home" in Hanoi by using images of his cell. They claim they have not overused the POW element and insist they have "underused it."
I suppose, on some level, I get why they are reluctant to stop pushing the POW element of his tale. It's because, if you take that away, there really is nothing left there at all. Almost all of his policies are toxic, and he is simply a very old man with a very bad temper and a lifestyle that leaves him out of touch with the vast majority of his countrymen.
So what else does he have to run on apart from his POW status? It says a lot about a candidate that the only thing he has going for him is something which happened several decades ago and against his will.
P.S. Don't you just love the down to Earth nature of people who decorate their own hallways with their press clippings? Such humility...
Click title for source.
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