Wednesday, July 09, 2008

John McCain TV Ad: Love

This is McCain's latest TV ad. Once again, he's pushing his POW status and, once again, he's telling us all that he is a "maverick".

Now, of course, here on planet Earth - as opposed to planet TV ads - McCain totally flips when asked how being a POW prepares one to be president, and it's hard to seriously consider him a "maverick" when he voted 95% of the time for Bush's policies, but these are the tired old cliches which he has chosen to campaign on.

I personally find this ad especially embarrassing, but maybe that's just me. The distance between the actual product and the way it's being marketed is mindblowing.

Other interesting points:

He refers to the economy as being a "shambles". Considering that he has also admitted, "The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should", perhaps he's not the best placed person to put that right.

And, of course, this "love" which he is claiming he was expressing for the US "half a world away", is also a "love" which he didn't even know he had until he was shot down.

This thing is wrong on so many levels it's simply unreal.

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