Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Bland leading the Bland.

Balloon Juice have picked up on the latest Obama non-scandal to excite the Hillary fan base.

Now anyone else reading the story that this is based on at Firedoglake would immediately recognise that they were looking at snark. However, the lunatics who have formed such movements as PUMA (Party Unity My Ass) have obviously lost all sense of humour and are simply so deranged that they see Obama's demise at every junction and jump on every story which fits into this much yearned for narrative.

I've written about these idiots before. One of their main complaints is that Obama took the nomination from Hillary when everyone knew it was "her time".

To be fair to Larry Johnson, he doesn't appear to be posting much on the site these days, but the people that he has handed the site to in his absence are doing no favours to his reputation.

This is simply lunacy. And the fact that none of the commenters realise that this is snark says a lot about the mindset of the few who have decided that they will vote for anyone other than the Democratic nominee.

Click title for the whole insane post.

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