Saturday, June 28, 2008

GOP Internal Memo - No Republican Seat Is Safe

Republicans are simply bizarre. Here we see a memo where they consider that perhaps they ought to "empathise" with the voters. This is a novel concept to them. They have, up until now, operated on the basis that they know best and that it's "weak" to pay attention to opinion polls. Now, in their panic that they are facing a wipe out, they are sending each other memos reminding themselves to "feel the voters pain".

Too little, far too late...


theBhc said...

That's funny. After decades of ignoring the concerns of the vast majority of Americans, oh no! you might not vote for us! This is terrible!

Kel said...

It's simply hysterical isn't it? Suddenly, the people who regarded listening to public opinion as weakness, now want us all to know that they are listening. Pathetic.