Addington & Yoo give masterclass on how to talk without saying anything.
Notice that Yoo hedges his answers to such an extent that he refuses even to say that the president does not have the power to bury someone alive, merely that he doesn't think any president would ever give such an order.
The notion that the president actually has such a power he leaves unaddressed. Because, deep down, Yoo thinks a president, at a time of war, has any power he requires. And Addington is hysterical as he tries to negotiate around what is meant by "unitary theory"
Addington though, gives the funniest answer ever as to why he can't discuss torture: al Qaeda may be watching C-Span. That will be why there are all those satellite dishes sticking out of those Afghan caves.
Here we see Addington slither around refusing to answer any questions and Yoo talk for three minutes and yet say nothing at all.
These two sleazebags are the kind of people who have been advising Bush on what is legal. It's no wonder - when one adds Gonzales into that mix - that the US has lost it's moral compass. Whe you watch these two you realise that they are beyond shame.
remember our 'good ol' day's of blogging against torture? I wrote an post on Jane Mayers article in the New Yorker (feb 06) on Alberto J. Mora's memo. He was counsel to the United States Navy and opposed to not only torture but the legal gyrations that they were going through..Read about Albert0 J. Mora's memo.He was counsel to the United States Navy opposing torture. This New Yorker article is from Feb 2006 by Jane Mayer
Thanks for that Ingrid. Even two years later I still found my jaw dropping. And I well remember blogging against torture and the morons that used to come out the woodwork to say that there was no proof and that Amnesty and Human Rights Watch were wrong. They are probably still defending it elsewhere on the web. Immoral enablers to a man.
I seriously hope one day to see members of this admininstration charged with war crimes. And Yoo should be disbarred as someone who is simply too bloody stupid and immoral to practice or teach the law.
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