Sunday, May 25, 2008

McCain excludes Malkin from blogger conference calls.

John McCain has just gone up in my estimation. He is apparently inviting both liberal and conservative bloggers to take part in conference calls, and he has upset Michelle Malkin by not inviting her along. She is not taking it very well.

Yesterday, I learned that several far left-wing blogs were invited to participate in The Maverick’s blogger conference call session (it’s part of that Big Vision Thing). I e-mailed McCain’s New Media guy, Patrick Hynes, asking if I could participate in the next blogger conference call.

After all, McCain said yesterday he’ll “listen to any idea that is offered in good faith and intended to help solve our problems, not make them worse” and “will set a new standard for transparency and accountability” and “will work with anyone, of either party, to make this country safe, prosperous and proud.”

If he’s willing to take questions from hostile liberal bloggers, why not take some from conservative bloggers who represent substantial readerships with dissenting views on how best to make this country “safe, prosperous, and proud?”

Malkin is one of the most hate filled people in the blogosphere, a poisonous odious creature obsessed with immigration and motivated purely by her anger and bile.

At a time when McCain is distancing himself from the Hagee's of this world, he has made a very wise decision to exclude this horrible person from his conference calls. Even a right wing nut like Geraldo Rivera has recognised Malkin as "the most vile, hateful commentator I've ever met … It’s good she’s in D.C. and I’m in N.Y. I’d spit on her if I saw her.”

After all, this is a woman whose views are so extreme that even Bill O'Reilly has felt the need to distance himself from them. Like her views on detainees at Guantanamo Bay committing suicide:
MALKIN: And really, the reaction to the suicides should be, “Boo-freakin-hoo.”

O’REILLY: Well, I don’t know about that. I don’t want anybody, you know, killing themselves, but I do believe it was a political statement. Anyway —

MALKIN: Exactly.

O’REILLY: If I were in Guantanamo Bay, and I couldn’t get out — and these guys will never get out, believe me — I might commit suicide too.

When Bill O'Reilly thinks you have gone too far then you have actually become certifiable. So, hats off to John McCain. He's distancing himself from a truly hateful gasbag.

Click title for full article.


Unknown said...

Even a right wing nut like Geraldo Rivera

What are you smoking? The man is a liberal. He's certainly pro-troops, but very definitely a liberal. Anybody who has actually listened to this guy speak (as opposed to listening to selected two minute YouTube clips) could tell you that. His positions on illegal immigration alone put him probably to the left of Clinton, not to mention he is an Obama supporter. Calling the man a "right wing nutcase" so incredibly strains the bonds of credibility it's not even believable.

Didn't you ever watch his talk show? Of course you didn't. It's a rhetorical question.

theBhc said...

Ha! This is beautiful. Malkin is indeed a vile and strange creature, a immigrant product herself who can't wait until the immigrants are rounded up and imprisoned or deported. She is a classic immigrant NIMBY, just like O'Reilly. Except I don't think even O'Reilly is proud of the internment of Japanese Americans.

As far as right wing nutcases go, Jason, real right wingers, i.e. libertarians, do not even believe in immigration laws and that borders should be unrestricted. It's all about that individual freedom thing, unhindered by the perfidy of government; a free flow of capital and labour. That right wing ideal, of course, has been shot down the crapper long ago. Now, its all about building walls, rounding up brown people and fight, fight, fight everyone not like themselves. But then, you already knew that.

Kel said...


It's the strangest thing about Conservatives and Capitalism, they appear to be selling their supporters a lie.

If capital can move freely overseas - and jobs can move freely overseas - then the next thing that's going to want to move freely are skilled and unskilled workers. That's the part of capitalism that they don't want to talk about.

That's why the Republican stance on immigration is such an utter con and lie.

In my country it's Tesco's who want cheap Polish workers to do the jobs that skilled Brits wouldn't bother with.

I presume - from the amount of Mexican workers in your economy - that it's the same in the States.

But the Republicans try to have it both ways. For big business, but supposedly against immigration. Liars to a man.