Monday, May 26, 2008

Karl Rove's Non-Denial Denial on Siegelman Case

Rove said that he would not respond to a subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee imploring his testimony in the Siegelman case. Asked if he had ever made contact with the Justice Department, the man known as Bush's brain said:

"I read about -- I'm going to simply say what I've said before, which is I found out about Don Siegelman's investigation and indictment by reading it in the newspaper."

"But that's not a denial," said the host George Stephanopoulos.

"I've -- you know, I read - I heard about it, read about it, learned about it for the first time by reading about it in the newspaper," Rove replied.


Anonymous said...

Rove is as guilty as homemade sin. This guy is a true threat to national security. Go to to see what I'm speaking of.

Kel said...

Thanks for that! I'll go over there when I finish responding to comments.