Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Obama: "Anything goes" is actually a turn off.

This is why Obama is doing so well. He begins by being very gracious about Hillary and telling people to vote for her if they think that she will be the best candidate. He then points out that one of the reasons that he is doing so well is because he doesn't play the "anything goes in order to be elected" game which Hillary appears to excel at playing.

Every time Hillary attacks him she only ever appears to damage herself. And the impression that she will do or say anything in order to beat him - what Taylor Marsh chooses to see as "Hillary the fighter" - is actually an electoral turn off.

Obama's greatest strength is that he doesn't indulge in negative politics. Clinton's supporters appear not to even understand what he is doing.


John Brown of Kansas said...

Ding! Ding! We have a winner.

It's taking some (read: Hillary) a long time figure this out... A key ingredient in the Obama success recipe is the fact that he's not running around cheap-shotting, poli-lying and playing with the mini-scandal of the day.

What those stuck in an alienating past see as weakness is actually one of his greatest strengths. The goofies try to pretend as if the talk about him as a "transcendent" candidate is pie-in-the-sky foolishness. They don't understand that every time Obama doesn't play Mark Pennish games he's proving them wrong.

The attraction to Obama isn't based on an idea that his election would magically change the world in a flash. It's the recognition that he's willing to not act like one of the many asshats who've slowly but surely dragged America into the muck with their twisted notions of what it means to be "tough".

Great post. By the way, you mentioned Taylor Marsh. If you, like me, are consistently bewildered by her weirdness and have been wondering who in the hell she really is/where she came from, check this out...


Kel said...


Thanks for that. Obama's success is that he doesn't play the politics of the eighties that Hillary and others engage in. He remains above the fray.

And I loved your post on Taylor Marsh. A self promoter? Oh yes... But what success she has based on such little insight...