Sunday, March 09, 2008

The riddle of Boris's slave roots

The fact that Boris Johnson, the Tory candidate for London Mayor, is a buffoon is almost a simple statement of fact. It's a given that even his supporters would find hard to argue with. Indeed, they'd probably cite it as one of his most redeeming features.

This is a man who refers to Africans as 'piccaninnies' and then wonders why people might question whether or not he is a racist. Of course, Boris's greatest electoral shield is his ability to say,"Golly gosh, was that out of line?" and have everyone charmed by his buffoonery.

But the old Etonian has now made a claim that even his most avid supporters must find slightly odd. He claims he's descended from slaves.

Challenged over whether he considered himself posh, Johnson insisted that he was 'middle class and proud of it', before adding: 'I am the proud offspring of Turkish immigrants. I want you to know that my great-great-grandmother was a slave, so put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr Livingstone. She was a Circassian slave [from a region in southern Russia], and she was sold: my great-great-grandfather literally purchased her.'

Researching his family history had, he added, taught him 'how swiftly you discover literally hundreds of immediate ancestors whose names are lost in dateless deaths and who were illiterate paupers.' He said it was 'not clear' exactly how his great-great-grandmother had transformed herself from slave to wife but added: 'This is not in any way casting aspersions on my great-great-grandfather. He wasn't a slave owner, he was a slave marrier. He liberated her: he paid the price of her manumission [release].'

The problem for Boris is that he makes this claim at the very time when he is participating in "Who Do You Think You Are?" a BBC programme which examines the family tree of celebrities, often with very interesting results.

However, the BBC programme have been unable to find any proof to back Boris's astonishing claim.

But intriguingly, when the BBC studied Johnson's story for a forthcoming edition of the BBC series Who Do You Think You Are?, in which celebrities trace their family trees, it was unable to find proof.

A BBC source said that without the paper trail to back it up, the tale had to be treated simply as family folklore and would not figure in the programme. 'It's not in the film. They can only document the truth that can be backed up by documentation. It's just one of his old family tales,' said the source.

There's nothing "intriguing" about it, we are dealing with a moron. Which public figure, running for office, would make a claim like that without having solid evidence to back it back it up? Only Boris.

The notion that this man might someday be allowed to run a city as important as London fills me with utter horror.

The bookies are now saying that Boris is actually the front runner. Who are the people who vote for such a man?

Here's an example of the self confessed "great incompetence" of Boris and the way he manages to use his buffoonery to charm his way out of any hole:

Here he displays his sporting skills:

This man may one day be London's Mayor. God help us all.

Click title for full article.


Anonymous said...

Let me ask you this question - if one of your cousins backed up by various other family members told you something that you didn't know about your family history would you ask for documentary proof or would you trust the age old tradition of passing stories and tales down through families via word of mouth. Get a life, be romantic. I for one would love to have a Mayor of London who was the descendant of a slave. Don't allow your politics to cloud your judgement on this beautiful story.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kel, THANKS A MILLION for your link about Boris doing that rugby tackle! I have been trying to find that for ages, you have made my day! that is one of his funniest moments and we both know that a fantastic sense of humour is a sign of high intelligence.

Boris is racing ahead in the polls so I suppose desperate Ken supporters are frantically reading and rereading Boris's speeches to find another word like "Piccaninnies" that they can take out of context. I have heard that they are also trawling through the contents of his dustbins at night to find some ammo. and lurking in his garden hoping for a pic. to use as a darts board.

This has to be the first sign of superstardom for Boris. When you are really about to hit the big time, all the crazies come out, misquoting you, going through your bins, and obsessively reading everything you have written, crying over your picture, etc. etc.
No-one ever rereads Ken Livingstone's speeches, probably because at the first time of reading them, you feel like you have been hit with a tranquilliser dart. Have you heard of Alan J. Weberman, Kel? He was just like you, he was Bob Dylan's stalker. Look him up sometime, you both have a lot to talk about!

Kel said...

Anonymous and angelneptunestar,

Thanks for both responses which both made me laugh for different reasons.

I don't know if Anonymous knows who Boris is though angelneptunestar obviously does.

So let me ask you this. Would you want Boris in charge of London during a terrorist attack? I know he's a lovable buffoon but seriously would you trust this man to boil a bloody egg?

Anonymous said...

I would trust Boris with my life as i would David Cameron. Let me ask YOU this. Who would you rathe defended you in a war? GOrdon who wobbles like a jelly on a plate as David Cameron beats him to a pulp, diddy David Milliband, who suggested that the Teacher in the Muslim teddy row "might as well serve her sentence", Ken, who when asked relevant questions about the wastage of public money, thinks the people asking him are racists, or David Cameron, the gutsiest politician of this century and Boris, who is so brainy, his books sell by the truckload and when he was born Mercury eclipsed Jupiter (an sign of genius!).

Anonymous said...

Errr Kel, I write as a friend and this is just between you and me. Word is, if he doesn't win, Ken is going to have all you guys shot.

As racists obviously.

Kel said...

I'm beginning to think this must be a wind up. If you seriously see these old Etonians as warlords then you really do need a reality check.

Boris has been a laughing stock in this country for as long as he's been known. That's why they have him on Have I Got News For You.

Ken's been a good Mayor and you must be having a laugh when you describe Cameron as "the gutsiest politician of this century."

Anonymous said...

Kel darling. Maybe you can be the person who explains to me how it is that Boris can be criticised for appearing on Have I Got News For Yopu, when Ken has also appeared on this show and his appearances OUTNUMBER BORIS'S? I have all the DVD's, I counted them up. A little hypocritical, don't you think?

I know that the pressure is on your guys, because Boris is pulling ahead and I know how tough it is for you to find ammo. , because Boris has so much going for him. I can imagine the sleepless nights, the fear of the bullet, hey it's rough.
When Ken has some free time, I hear he is going to write his memoirs calling them The Ghost of Christmas Pissed. Whoops, a typo, I meant The Ghost of Christmas Passed Out. (just kidding Ken!)

Anonymous said...

Kel, I am being serious now, before I was just teasing.

I just don't get the jibes against Old Etonians. Since when was it a crime to have a good education?

Anonymous said...

As a person who has immigrated from Russia, I have family mebers for whom their are photographs of and via my grandparents, names of... but records can not be found of them.... they died in gulags or labour camps as they were before stalin.

Anyone who thinks that this story can not happen or is made up is smoking something.. This mans family history has no bearing on how good or bad of a mayor he will be for London.

Stick to policy.. not this stuff. This is a direct beat up from the labour machine of smear

Anonymous said...

Not all of Boris' supporters think he is a bafoon!!!!!

He will be a great mayor and this beat up from the labour machine simply wont alter the fact the Red Ken is going down!

Kel said...

Kel darling. Maybe you can be the person who explains to me how it is that Boris can be criticised for appearing on Have I Got News For Yopu, when Ken has also appeared on this show and his appearances OUTNUMBER BORIS'S? I have all the DVD's, I counted them up. A little hypocritical, don't you think?

No, it depends on the reason why you are invited on. Boris is invited on because he is regarded as a laughing stock.

I just don't get the jibes against Old Etonians.

Well, they are generally regarded as an elitist bunch who have very little real understanding of the problems which the rest of us face day after day. This was exemplified by Boris Johnson remarking that the city of Liverpool wallowed in its "victim status".

Not all of Boris' supporters think he is a bafoon!!!!!

I should hope his supporters don't! But it's fascinating that you think some of them do!

Stick to policy.. not this stuff.

Normally I would agree with that sentiment. However, when the man running for the job is regarded nationwide as a figure to be ridiculed then his probable inability to actually carry out any policy renders any policy differences he proposes irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

Kel, Kel, you must have been up all night thinking up those replies! Situation getting to you now that Boris is in the lead?

Anonymous said...

PS. re. your comments about Old Etonians, every day on SKY, Adam Boulton's programme, the general public vote on the performances of the leaders of the two parties in the House and on their grasp of the issues.

Daily, DC clobbers Gordon by around 89% to about 6%. Funny that. Daily he is so in touch and such a fantastic debater, he has a massive lead. Also, as you guys know, DC is leading Gordon in the polls. So the general public don't seem to agree with you, do they? If there was a war on, I don't think I'd like Gordon protecting me! He wobbles like a jelly on a plate, you don't actually think MY HERO.

He and diddy David Milliband would probably be hugging each other in fright, skulking behind a hedge somewhere.

Gordon is now so scared of Cameron's performance in the House, he has got himself a minder, Ian Austin, to shout down DC, but it ain't working. DC has nicknamed him The Bootboy. (funny!). Old Etonians don't seem to be doing too badly.

pps. Boris didn't even write that article on Liverpool. He just took the rap because he was the editor of the Spectator at the time.

Kel said...

Kel, Kel, you must have been up all night thinking up those replies!

:-) Angel, I am not as obsessed with this blog as you presume. I came across your comments first thing this morning as I was writing today's diatribe.

Daily, DC clobbers Gordon by around 89% to about 6%. Funny that.

I don't think Brown's doing a good job at all. I thought he did very well when he first came to power but since then he's been like an invisible Prime Minister, so I don't know where you get the notion that any comment I make about Cameron and old Etonians reflects in any way on my views of Brown.

That said, I am genuinely puzzled that anyone can come on here and argue the case for Boris. I can understand your wish to defend Cameron - who has done a great job of leading the Tories so far - but I can't take anyone seriously when they talk of Boris. Don't get me wrong, Ken's got a barrel load of faults, but he's not a buffoon. Boris simply is and I regard that as indisputable, as indisputable as saying Geoffrey Archer is egotistic.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kel,

In spite of the fact that Ken jeers at Boris, he still thinks well enough of him to nick tons of his ideas.

The Veterans Card? Boris proposed this in December 2007 and in his own manifesto.

Automated congestion charging? In Boris's manifesto.Ken also makes big promises, but doesn't say how he is going to pay for them. (extra carriages, new trains, new stations...) HANDY. His manifesto is only 14 pAGES LONG and it is UNCOSTED. SNEAKY.

Then he tells porky pies about Boris putting up bus fares... A TOTAL LIE. Never ever has Boris said he will put up bus fares.

Face it Kel, Boris is just too good for Ken to take him on. He is a class act, an irresistible force, and there ain't no immovable object in his way! Like a Colossus, Boris crushes everything before him and like the Duke of Wellington he will trounce every marshal who opposes him!

Ken isn't actually up to being a Marshal.... maybe a sergeant, or something like that though - I don't want to be mean.


Kel said...


God you make me laugh out loud. Thank you.

I'm off to bed now so if you post anything else tonight please don't worry that I'm pacing the floor trying to think of a reply. I'm actually resting, trying to restore my tired mental sinews so that they will rise to the gargantuan task of proving that Boris is a moron. Oh no wait, that was evident from the "Have I Got News For You" clip from above.

Face it Kel, Boris is just too good for Ken to take him on. He is a class act, an irresistible force, and there ain't no immovable object in his way! Like a Colossus, Boris crushes everything before him and like the Duke of Wellington he will trounce every marshal who opposes him!

Please, please, send me a pint of whatever it is that you are drinking! They say crack cocaine is powerful, but you have obviously found a hallucinogenic that is MUCH more powerful!