Sunday, March 09, 2008

Rep. Steve King: al Qaeda will be dancing in the streets if Obama is elected.

Disgraceful. Simply disgraceful.

“I don’t want to disparage anyone because of their, their race, their ethnicity, their name - whatever their religion their father, father might have been,” King said just before doing just that.

“I’ll just say this that when you think about the optics of a Barack Obama potentially getting elected President of the United States — and I mean, what does this look like to the rest of the world? What does it look like to the world of Islam?

“And I will tell you that, if he is elected president, then the, the radical Islamists, the, the al-Qaida, and the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11….

Hat tip to Crooks and Liars.


Unknown said...

Disgraceful. Simply disgraceful.

So then you believe that the islamists will not take comfort in the election of a man who has already stated that he will surrender and retreat? It kind of seems like a no brainer that if the jihadis are hoping for a certain candidate to win (and it's natural that they are), that they will be rooting for the candidate whose policies will be most beneficial to them.

Is your position that you think the jihadis will be equally happy with say a McCain victory as an Obama victory? Is it your contention that you feel they have absolutely no preference?

Kel said...

So then you believe that the islamists will not take comfort in the election of a man who has already stated that he will surrender and retreat?

Jason, you have already been defeated so it's a moot point.

The only question now is when you leave and how many more young Americans you sacrifice for a lost cause.

Most Americans want you to leave sooner rather than later. Republicans, and people who think the way you do, have failed to convince most Americans that this is a cause which is still worth sacrificing American lives for.

Unknown said...

While you have been a cheerleader for our defeat, and in fact are quite invested in our defeat, the actual facts are otherwise, no matter how many times you shrilly scream it. If you would like to present an argument to the contrary, I would be more than happy to rip it apart, not that facts will do anything to change your mind however.

However, since you refuse to answer the two simple questions I asked, I will take it as a given that you believe the your jihadi friends do have a preference, and that their preference is Obama. With that in mind, your hyperbole referring to King's comments as "disgraceful" simply doesn't hold, as you yourself know.

Since we both agree that your jihadi friends probably prefer Obama, who plans on surrendering to them, I think we probably also agree that they will celebrate his victory in one way or another. And given that we are in total agreement it begs the question, what's your point?

Kel said...

While you have been a cheerleader for our defeat, and in fact are quite invested in our defeat, the actual facts are otherwise, no matter how many times you shrilly scream it.

I have addressed that in another thread so we can continue that argument there.

Since we both agree that your jihadi friends probably prefer Obama, who plans on surrendering to them

Firstly, I don't have any Jihadi friends and it's utterly childish to frame any argument in those terms. However, I'm used to Bush supporters such as yourself attempt to frame all arguments in this "with us or against us" childish fashion. It's a further indication of your intellectual vacuousness.

Secondly, as Obama has announced his intention to take the fight to the Jihadi's in their real strongholds of Afghanistan, and possibly even Pakistan, I find it hard to work out why they should be celebrating.

Because the central argument King is proposing - that Obama will surrender to al Qaeda wherever they are - is simply false on it's face.

He's misrepresenting Obama's position in a way that is simply disgraceful.

Unknown said...

Because the central argument King is proposing - that Obama will surrender to al Qaeda wherever they are - is simply false on it's face.

Then you agree at the very least that Obama will surrender to al Qaeda in Iraq. As al Qaeda is undeniably in Iraq and Iraq has become a front for their war against the US, nobody should kid themselves about what such a surrender and retreat would mean.

Therefore, announcing that he will hand al Qaeda victory in Iraq, I think we can both agree that they will celebrate his election. And given that, King is likely correct in his prediction.

Kel said...

Then you agree at the very least that Obama will surrender to al Qaeda in Iraq. As al Qaeda is undeniably in Iraq and Iraq has become a front for their war against the US, nobody should kid themselves about what such a surrender and retreat would mean.

Al Qaeda represent less than 6% of the forces that you are facing in Iraq so ending the Iraq war can hardly be seen as surrendering to al Qaeda.

By the way it's very boring that you come along every Friday night and attempt to restart arguments that are a week old.

Unknown said...

Al Qaeda represent less than 6% of the forces that you are facing in Iraq so ending the Iraq war can hardly be seen as surrendering to al Qaeda.

I think it would be hard to argue that the jihadists, including al Qaeda in Iraq, would not perceive any US withdrawal under fire (you know, like the Brits in Basra) as a huge victory.

By the way it's very boring that you come along every Friday night and attempt to restart arguments that are a week old.

Sorry, I have a life. In addition to a full time job I volunteer 12-24 hours a week to help my community, and spend most of the rest of my time with real people and not on the computer.

Kel said...

I think it would be hard to argue that the jihadists, including al Qaeda in Iraq, would not perceive any US withdrawal under fire (you know, like the Brits in Basra) as a huge victory.

I think it would be harder to argue that concentrating on al Qaeda in their real strongholds of Afghanistan and Pakistan would have any of them celebrating at all.

Sorry, I have a life. In addition to a full time job I volunteer 12-24 hours a week to help my community, and spend most of the rest of my time with real people and not on the computer.

Good for you. Don't let me keep you from it. This comments section is now closed.