Friday, March 21, 2008

"I'm Harry!"

Oh, this is funny. Now that Prince Harry has been forced to leave Afghanistan once his presence there became known, a company has decided that the army should adopt a Spartacus policy and have everyone claim that, "I'm Harry!"

Help protect Harry and all the other servicemen and women. Every serviceman and woman is a target. Everyone risks their lives on a daily basis out there. They’re still all "Harry" (i.e. a target) whether he’s there or not.

With the announcement that Harry's coming home, don’t let the insurgents claim this as
their PR coup: Wear the T-Shirt , support our troops, keep the enemy confused!

I’m Harry. I’m Spartacus. We’re all Harry now.
I know it's simply a way to make money, but at least they have a good sense of humour. I'm almost tempted to buy one.

Click title to buy yours.


Unknown said...

But let's face it, you'd never find yourself in a situation where that Spartacus policy would come into play. That's for people who commit to serving their country and placing themselves in harm's way for others, not for people like you.

Kel said...

Ah, it must be the weekend. That time when Jason gets pissed and decides to roll over here and issue his gratuitous insults. How tiresome...