Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Disloyal Democrat: Hillary Clinton picks McCain over Obama

There are times when Hillary goes totally over the top and this is one of those times. It's okay to challenge your opponent and to slug it out, but to suggest that the Republican candidate is preferable to your fellow Democratic nominee is simply despicable.

"I think that I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. Sen. John McCain has a lifetime of experience that he'd bring to the White House. And Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."
She should be ashamed of herself. It's nasty and it's dumb....


The Booman Tribune are carrying Al Giordano's prediction of how the delegates will be distributed after today's election. They are as follows:
Texas: Obama +27
Ohio: Clinton +7
Rhode Island: Clinton +5
Vermont: Obama +5
If this turns out to be the case then Clinton is wasting her time trying to spin her "victory" or describing herself as The Comeback Kid. This race isn't about states, it's about delegates, and the whole point about Texas and Ohio were these were two places where Clinton could win big and reverse Obama's momentum. If Obama finishes the night a further twenty delegates ahead then the men in grey suits really ought to tell Hillary to stop before she does any more harm. McCain could use clips like this one in the campaign. That's what makes what she's doing so disgraceful.

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