Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cheney on 4000 American Dead: “They Volunteered.”

He plays the 9-11 card, stating that many people volunteered in response to the events of that dreadful day, which sort of misses the point.

People who volunteered because of 9-11 did so, one can only presume, to fight the people who attacked the US on that day. They certainly can't be said to have volunteered to fight someone utterly unrelated to those events. And it's that fact which makes the 4,000 dead total so depressing.


kayoz said...

cheney's argument is still not totally invalid though: anyone joining the military knows about the risks, especially about the risk of losing one's life...

...however, the whole war was started as a preventive measure build on false proofs, abusing for the securing of economic interests the heated and already terrified public who wanted vengeance and punishment of whatever villains were available...

...and i have the strong notion those 4,000 soldiers did not voluntarily die for the oil lobbyists...

Kel said...


Of course people joining know the risk of dying, but by invoking 9-11 Cheney is rightly implying that they joined up to fight al Qaeda after what had happened on that day.

The irony is that we are talking about the 4,000th soldier to die in Iraq which had bugger all to do with 9-11.

That's the real sleight of hand that he's indulging in.

daveawayfromhome said...

Considering the effect that the Iraq war has had on oil prices, I would, more than ever, like to see the information on those mysterious "energy policy" meetings held by Cheney.

Whether a soldier volunteered to join the Military or not is irrelevant. A wasted death is no better than a wasted life. Soldiers join knowing that they may have to give their lives for their country, but there is no indication that a soldier's death in Iraq has done anything for America (aside from the war profiteers and oil companies).

Kel said...

Dave, I couldn't agree more. The deaths in Iraq were the result of a war based on lies, so Cheney is being unbelievably dishonest when he implies that, after 9-11, young men and women volunteered to be part of that campaign. They did no such thing. And by sending volunteers to fight a war that had nothing to do with what happened on that day, this administration betrayed the patriotism which prompted those youngsters to enlist.