Sunday, March 09, 2008

Bill Maher - New Rules

"Politician must stop saying, the American people are smarter than that. No, they aren't. If the Bush era has taught us anything, it's that voters want a President carved from their own image. Someone who doesn't like to read, who believes what he is told and who is distracted by bright, shiny, objects."

He asks why, in the information age, it's so hard to have any facts. Global warming and evolution are simply theories, Saddam was behind 9-11, even the fact that Obama is a Christian appears unknown to some people. Oh, and the surge is working...

These aren't opinions, this is remaining "stubbornly uninformed".


Unknown said...

Oh, and the surge is working

Only the completely uninformed, or a BDS suffering zealot, could objectively conclude anything other than the fact that the surge has produced positive results.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Bill and love your show. Bill & Hillary appeal to the uninformed and the downright stupid. These are the people who have forgotten that Bill Clinton was impeached and left the white house in disgrace and only wants Hillary to run, get elected and be a president in name only, because he can't run for a third term. He'll strong arm her once in the oval office - and who will be running the show? Bill Clinton of course. Who wants to see that happen? Not Me

Kel said...

Only the completely uninformed, or a BDS suffering zealot, could objectively conclude anything other than the fact that the surge has produced positive results.

Well the piont of the surge was to produce political reconciliation, where's that again? Oh, sorry, of course, there is none.

So, if it fails to achieve it's primary purpose, how can it be said to have succeeded?

Unknown said...

The point of the surge was to quell violence and improve security which would hopefully allow the politicians to take advantage of the improved security to pass much needed legislation.

The security improvements
are inarguable. Civil war has been averted, While Iraq is still a violent and dangerous place, it is nowhere near the pre-surge levels and the change in security has improved things drastically.

While the central government has not acted with the speed that we would like them to, they have been coming along and slowly passing much needed legislation. More importantly, the local governments have become more empowered and able to help their constituents.

Those jihadi cheerleaders, those deeply invested in US defeat such as yourself, can never admit to any improvement in Iraq. To admit so is to admit how completely wrong you are, so nobody expects it. At first people such as yourselves insisted there would be a catastrophic civil war. There never was. Then you all insisted that Baghdad could never be pacified. For the most part, it has. Then you all claimed that the insurgency in Anbar would continue to rage unchecked. It's been put in check. The only slim thread you have left to grasp at is that the central government isn't acting as fast as you'd like.

Anybody who actually pays attention knows that while they are not moving to our timetable, they are slowly passing important legislation that they need to. But that doesn't matter for those such as yourself because it is the one last hope you have to try in whatever way you can to champion our defeat, so you will hold onto that as long as you possibly can, despite the fact that things are in fact changing both militarily and politically. It's rather pathetic actually.

But that's okay, I don't expect you to publically acknowledge the facts on the ground. I realize that you believe that a US and Iraqi victory is a victory for Bush, and therefore you believe a defeat for you. And given the years of investment that you have in US defeat, as well as your BDS, I know that is something you simply will not stand for.

Kel said...

I sometimes think you must be on smack when you post here. People refer to you as a Kool-Aid drinker, I think they are being far too polite.

The point of the surge was to quell violence and improve security which would hopefully allow the politicians to take advantage of the improved security to pass much needed legislation.

There was nothing "hopeful" about the wish for politicians to use the surge to create political reconciliation, that was the entire point of the surge. To claim otherwise is simply to lie.

At first people such as yourselves insisted there would be a catastrophic civil war. There never was.

Are you insane? The reason there has been a drop in the violence is because the ethnic cleansing has already taken place. Baghdad is already split into Sunni and Shia regions which have been separated by large concrete walls. This is one of the main reasons for the drop in violence.

It's rather pathetic actually.

There is nothing more pathetic than people like yourself continuing to scream "the surge is working" when political reconciliation is as far from happening as it has ever been.

You are little more than a girly cheerleader for Bush's failures and probably can't wait for a Dem to take over so you can claim that victory was just around the corner before the evil Dems surrendered.

Unknown said...

You are little more than a girly cheerleade

I was going to attack your fallacies one-by-one, but I think this quote says all that needs to be said about your ability to hold rational and educated debate. 'Nuff said.

Kel said...

I was going to attack your fallacies one-by-one...

But I can't. So I'm going to perform a girlie walk out...

Unknown said...

So I'm going to perform a girlie walk out...

Wow, that's some vicious taunting, the likes of which I haven't seen since elementary school. If you're going to pretend to be some kind of intellectual, it would be more convincing if you also pretended to have some kind of an education as well.

Kel said...

If you're going to pretend to be some kind of intellectual, it would be more convincing if you also pretended to have some kind of an education as well.

The person claiming to be an intellectual who could attack my fallacies one by one but who chooses not to do so is yourself, Jason.

You are claiming to have an argument which you are choosing not to present. That's pretty pathetic by any standards.