Monday, February 11, 2008

Bush Honors Lincoln's Memory

Bush has recently been honouring Lincoln:

Heading toward the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birthday, President Bush on Sunday celebrated the nation's 16th president as a man of steadfast convictions and honorable ideals.

"It's fitting that we honor Abe Lincoln," Bush said in the ornate East Room of the White House. "Of all the successors to George Washington, none had a bigger impact on the presidency and the country."

Of course we know that Bush secretly fancies himself as someone in Lincoln's mould.

When he admires Lincoln's "steadfast convictions and honourable ideals" he's actually making a comparison with the bloody Iraq war in which "steadfast convictions" are replaced by an inability to admit you've lost and a desire to pass that loss onto whoever replaces you as President, and "honourable ideals" are represented by invading other country's outside of international law and telling yourself that you are spreading democracy.

As Robert Burns memorably said:
"O wad some po'er the gift tae gie us, tae see oursel's as aithers see us."
Click title for full article.

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