Saturday, December 01, 2007

Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove says Congress started the Iraq War

This guy takes spin to new levels. Further inspections and a broader coalition would have been possible were it not for those bloody Democrats in Congress. Unbelievable crap...


GD said...

I saw that piece on the show but I couldn't watch it because of that Stassinopoulos harridan.

Kel said...

Does Miss Huffington annoy you?

Unknown said...

Blood pressure.

Unknown said...

Okay, I watched it, just now, many hours later. Not so bad. Blood pressure brisk but maintainable.

Kel said...

It's actually too pathetic to fully annoy. Everyone knows it's crap he's talking...

Unknown said...

Yeah, except some people are such good little team players, and they want to believe their teammate so badly, that they will go right along with him. You watch. You'll very soon read something defending and agreeing with Rove's latest lies (lies which, of course, directly contradict his other lies.) Maybe you already have read it somewhere.

Unknown said...

By the way, speaking of lies, about what Jason was saying about Muslims and all their lies...I guess I'll just point out that SOME cultures (no naming names here) believe it OK to lie when:

1. It's a matter of national security
2. Competing in the free market
3. Trying to save someone's feelings from being hurt
4. Waging war
5. Your buddy co-worker calls in sick to work
6. You have farted in a crowded elevator
7. It's between the daytime hours of 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.
8. It's between the nighttime hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.
9. Anchoring a 24-hour news outlet
10. You have murdered someone
11. Wearing dirty underwear

Think I'll copy this to the other thread.