Sunday, November 25, 2007

Richard Perle: ‘I Don’t Believe I Was Wrong’ About Iraq.

Perle is, to this day, still defending his position on the Iraq war.

Asked whether he was wrong on Iraq, Perle gave this response:

"Well, I don’t believe I was wrong. Let me be very clear about that. What I think happened is that a successful invasion was turned into an unsuccessful occupation. I didn’t favor the occupation strategy. I think the occupation was a mistake."

But once the war began, Perle specifically endorsed the Paul Bremer-led occupation of Iraq. And repeatedly claimed it was producing good results. Appearing on Fox News on April 7, 2004, Perle said, “We’re making so much progress with most Iraqis that those who feel threatened by the progress are more devoted and more energetic than ever to try to destroy the progress we’re making.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

“We’re making so much progress with most Iraqis that those who feel threatened by the progress are more devoted and more energetic than ever to try to destroy the progress we’re making.”


What the FUCK does that MEAN??? I mean, in REAL terms??? Nothing? Wow, what a surpise!!!

(Please excuse the triple exclamation and question marks.)

(And the CAPS.)

(And "FUCK".)

Thank you.