Monday, November 05, 2007

Poll Finds Americans Pessimistic, Want Change

I find the stance taken by people like Giuliani simply baffling. I mean, I know he's having to play to the Republican base, or rather to the blind 30%'s for whom Bush can do no wrong, but surely Giuliani and the other Republican candidates realise that one day they will have to face the entire American public as opposed to this dwindling band of lunatics who actually think Bush is doing a good job?

A recent poll confirms my feelings about this:

Concern about the economy, the war in Iraq and growing dissatisfaction with the political environment in Washington all contribute to the lowest public assessment of the direction of the country in more than a decade. Just 24 percent think the nation is on the right track, and three-quarters said they want the next president to chart a course that is different than that pursued by Bush.
Nor is this dissatisfaction limited to Democrats:
Overwhelmingly, Democrats want a new direction, but so do three-quarters of independents and even half of Republicans. Sixty percent of all Americans said they feel strongly that such a change is needed after two terms of the Bush presidency.
So just what does Giuliani think he is achieving by promising more of the same? Most Americans are very clear that the last thing they want is more of the same.

So, having won the Republican nomination, does Giuliani then try and pretend that he hasn't meant what he said to secure the nomination? Because if he goes before the American electorate promising to continue on Bush's erratic path then he is certain not to be elected.

As I say, I find Giuliani's campaign simply baffling...

Click title for full article.

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