Friday, October 05, 2007

Perino’s Understanding of International Law is Torture in Itself

Listen to the unmitigated garbage that pours out of this deluded woman's mouth... She is careful to point out that what the US is doing is legal under the United States interpretation of the Geneva Conventions. It's pointed out to her that clarification is supposed to be sought from an international court. "Which we are not going to do" replies Perino.

I wonder why not? Oh, yeah. Because they would say the US is torturing people, so it's best not to ask...

This is an administration of startling arrogance and zero morality. They are actually torturing people and simply choosing to say "We don't think that's torture nor will we allow any international court to rule on whether or not what we do is torture". They are beyond disgusting. They are sociopathic.

Hat tip to The Largest Minority.

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