Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bush Says No To Children And Yes To War

“The Iraq war is now costing $330 million a day. That could pay for 1700 more border patrol agents, or provide health-care for an extra 45,000 military veterans, or the funds from just one day in Iraq would give 270,000 more kids coverage under SCHIP.”

Hat tip to Crooks and Liars.


Unknown said...

Tearful Democrat apologizes for offending Bush, troops in Iraq

Kel said...

His apology doesn't change the fact that Bush has chosen to spend £330 million a day on war at the same time as he vetoes SCHIP.

Kel said...

I think Bush cares more about avoiding "socialised medicine" than he does about helping children who are not insured.

He and other right wing nutcases ask, "how do we pay for this?"

But there is no question of how your country pays for the wars Bush is happy to underwrite and pass on to subsequent generations of Americans.

Why does fiscal responsibility only apply to SCHIP and not to the war that has been lost in Iraq? You appear happy to continue to support that bottomless pit without asking for anything in return for the money that is being ploughed into it. If you are going to claim that you are seeking victory, then I would argue that you are merely sending good money after bad. Like a very bad investor, you simply don't know when to cut your losses.

I think Bush hates children and poor people. Poor children are even worse. It's the only possible explanation.

Sarcasm offered because you lack an actual argument.

Unknown said...

Sarcasm offered because you lack an actual argument.

Sarcasm offered because I think this is ridiculous.

Kel said...

What's ridiculous? You are offering no argument. Republicans demand fiscal responsiblity for SCHIP but demand an open cheque book for a war that most Amercicans no longer support.

You are making no attempt to even defend that.