Sunday, September 16, 2007

CIA bans water boarding whilst admitting that they have previously used this torture method.

Bush has famously refused to say what techniques the CIA have been using whilst interrogating suspects at various US secret prisons around the world - and at the not so secret Guantanamo Bay - lest this information aids terrorists; however, he still maintained that the US did NOT torture prisoners, even whilst he refused to say what he thought might constitute torture.

Now, however, with the news that the CIA has, at last, ended the barbaric practice of water-boarding; a technique which Senator McCain has assured us is, indeed, torture:

Today, in New Hampshire, Sen. McCain told ABC News, "I have sought that result for years. Water-boarding is a form of torture. And I'm convinced that this will not only help us in our interrogation techniques, but it will also be helpful for our image in the world."
However, there are some former and current CIA officers who think water boarding was useful:

Its most effective use, say current and former CIA officials, was in breaking Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, known as KSM, who subsequently confessed to a number of ongoing plots against the United States.

A senior CIA official said KSM later admitted it was only because of the water-boarding that he talked.

So, here we have current and former CIA officials confirming that the United States did, indeed, engage in torture.

Certain people have commented here over the years that there is no proof that the US have ever engaged in torture techniques. And yet, here we have the CIA not only admitting that they have tortured people, but boasting of its effectiveness in breaking Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

What they don't tell us is that most of what he then admitted to was fanciful to say the least:
Ultimately, KSM took responsibility for the 9/ll attacks and virtually all other al Qaeda terror strikes, including the beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
I am pleased that this barbaric practice is to be ended, but the CIA officials confirmation that they have used this practice in the past proves, once again, that Bush is a liar and that the US have engaged in what even John McCain admits is torture.

Click title for full article.


Anonymous said...

Yea I am sure the iditots that be- headed our americans with a dull blade considered if their rights were violated or it was a from of toture. Water boarding simulates downing only can't die from it. Our own interregators go through it and if this can save american lives then I say go for it.
If they want to kill innocent people thtqa have done no wrong to htem. then they better be ready to pay the price when they get caught.

Kel said...

Yea I am sure the iditots that be- headed our americans with a dull blade considered if their rights were violated or it was a from of toture.

I think we should hold ourselves to higher moral standards than those employed by al Qaeda, don't you think? I mean that shouldn't even need to be said.