Monday, August 20, 2007

Rudy At Sean Hannity's Freedom Concert

My God. A confession from Fox News.

In a little noticed event this month, Hannity - co-host of Fox News’ “Hannity & Colmes” and host of a popular WABC radio show - introduced the Republican front-runner at a closed-door, $250-per-head fund-raiser Aug. 9 in Cincinnati, campaign officials acknowledge.

In so doing, some believe that Hannity - while clearly a commentator paid to express his opinions - crossed the line from punditry into financial rainmaking for a presidential candidate whose bottom line is now better for it.

Hannity declined to comment, but his bosses at Fox News Channel and WABC, Reagflagship station for his national radio show, defended their marquee star by arguing that he’s not a journalist and shouldn’t be judged as one.

I couldn't agree more.

And Rudy's invoking the spirit of Ollie f@cking North? He's really marching to the right these days, isn't he? Let's celebrate the good old days when the administration bypassed Congress! The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?

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