Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Bush Gang Subpoena Michael Moore

There's simply no end to the Bush administration's bizarre attitude to the law. At a time when they are citing executive privilege to avoid any investigation into their own acts of alleged illegality, they seem to have found the time to issue a subpoena to Michael Moore for having the temerity to visit Cuba. Now, as both Leonardo di Caprio and Cameron Diaz have visited Cuba without causing the administration's heckles to rise, one can only presume that it was the fact that Moore's visit was politically embarrassing to them which has provoked this reaction. This administration really acts like spiteful children at times.


AF said...

I just watched Sicko!

I have to say sure, the NHS has it's problems, but after seeing that movie I had to thank God for the NHS and that we have something. Absolutely shocking that Americas health system is comparable to a corrupt African regime holding back aid from it's people.

America is sick, it's about time they remove the malign tumor that is BUSH!

How the heck does he think he can get away with abusing power like this? What cause do they have to subpoena Moore anyway.. unless it's for his testimony regarding healthcare but sounds like a more of a retaliatory move.

Kel said...


Our health system, and the fact that every person in the UK can receive treatment regardless of their ability to pay, is one of the things that makes me most proud of this country.

It's a fantastic system. I haven't yet seen Sicko but will see it as soon as I can.

And hitting Moore with a subpoena is simply dumb and spiteful, which is one the best descriptions of Bush I can think of.

AF said...

You should try and download it Kel, Moore has the wisdom himself to say he's cool if people download it!

Kel said...

To be honest, Alex - despite what Moore says - I'd feel happier, and less illegal, simply going to a cinema and paying to see it.

I always see Moore's films and look forward to seeing this one.

Does it live up to our expectations?

AF said...

Sorry Kel, been away for a few days.

This has to be one of his best. It's simply shocking, and it's not just about people who don't actually have insurance... it's about those that do have it and yet the insurance companies use every tactic in the book to hold onto their money.

When you watch this you realise that America is not the shiny beacon of capitalism and democracy that it broadcasts (of course we know this but this film makes it obvious for the middle classes who ignore the signs).

I will just say, for all those Americans that scream about immigration, when you consider the amount of Americans abusing Canada's services or coming to the UK for health tourism, all I see is pot and kettle.

Both me and the mrs were put off America for life- even just a holiday.

Kel said...

It sounds like I have just GOT to see it! And why are we surprised that insurance companies go to all lengths to make sure they don't have to pay out? But when it's concerned with people's health it's simply disgusting.