Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Coulter: We should care less about civilian casualties.

This was posted on YouTube by a fan of Coulter who celebrates the fact that she "whips Matthew's ass!" Now I can that agree he rolls over and plays dead, but can anyone deny that he is interviewing an insane person? Why is she allowed this level of access to the media when she is clearly foaming at the mouth?

She thinks that what America needs is to have "less concern" about civilian casualties? She wants to get rid of the idea of "clean hygienic wars", meaning wars where we avoid - wherever possible - civilian casualties. When asked if she worries that killing civilians may produce more youngsters willing to become enemies of the United States she replies, "No, no, no ,no, no; because you are destroying the society that produces these monsters and you win by killing the other side."

She is, apparently, actively advocating the killing of civilians. But then, this is the woman who, post 9-11 said, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity".

What's astonishing is that an American TV station should allow a full hour to such a crazy person. The only ray of hope I take from this is that the crowd watching is literally about thirty people, and I'm being generous when I say that. I could honestly count them and give you an exact number if I could be bothered. Which I can't...


theBhc said...

It is pretty hard to imagine how much less "concern" we could have for civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. But still, blatant calls for for killing civilians? How different is this from the Islamist extremists? None.

Kel said...

She really is a grade A nutter, the fact that she is given such access to mainstream networks and is spoken to as if she has merit amazes me.