Friday, May 25, 2007

Republican memory loss


AF said...

You know whats ironic.

I work in a 24 freight business. I'm responsible for part of the IT systems that keep the company running. We have to have everything documented for auditors, any IT person with half a brain will be able to tell you that email is usually saved on an exchange server. Emails are a vital part of any business, and sometimes crucial in decision making and auditing.

Businesses like freight, or indeed any private commercial industry need IT departments, infrastructure and extensive records. But if one company fails in this respect it doesn't have a major impact on the nation.

These guys are running the most powerful government in the world and they don't have basic IT systems like this in place?

Kel said...

Alex, that givs you the size of the lie doesn't it? It's simply inconcievable that they don't have back ups for this sort of stuff. It's public records for God's sake.