Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Only Veto the good shit...

Bush's hypocrisy knows no bounds. First, he has always attempted to micromanage the war from 6,000 miles away, by stating how many troops were needed before the war began - against the advice of his generals - and then by attempting the "surge" itself, which his generals at the time did not support.

And as for the question of timetables, Pelosi points out that Bush called upon Clinton to declare a timetable for American troops when they were in Kosovo, although he now states that timetables make no sense and aid the enemy. Pelosi points out that Bush wants a blank cheque and adds, "We're not going to give it to him".

We now have a President going against the wishes of Congress and the American people, yet claiming that others will be punished by the public if they don't accede to his wishes. He now borders on delusional.

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