Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Please Consider Signing This

Sophia at Les Politiques has made me aware of a new campaign supported by Just Foreign Policy and Jewish Voice for Peace that asks that you sign a petition asking US Senators and Democratic Presidential candidates to support Dianne Feinstein and Patrick Leahy's legislation, S. 594, that would put important restrictions on the use and sale of cluster bombs, weapons which disproportionately kill and injure civilians.

Lebanon is literally littered with thousands of these dreadful things that Olmert dropped in the last three days of the Israeli Lebanon war at a time when the UN were already debating a resolution to end the war; and he did so, by his own admission, because he wanted the resolution to be more favourable to Israel.

I don't know if this legislation could stop such barbarism in the future, but it's a step in the right direction.

Sign the petition here.


Sophia said...

Thanks Kel.

Kel said...

Pleasure Sophia